Knitting on Mayan Loom

A great start to Women’s Empowerment Workshops in our new 15 de Julio location!  Celia Magnasco taught the women how to knit scarves using a Mayan Loom. The women worked in 3 different groups to take turns making their scarves, which they will continue to work on at the next workshop in September. If theContinue reading “Knitting on Mayan Loom”

Professional Development Workshop for Volunteers

At LLI, we invest time in the training and development of our team members and help provide our volunteers with key transferable skills that they could utilize professionally and personally post their LLI experience.      Our pilot workshop was around the art of giving and receiving feedback where our volunteers discussed and challenged themselves onContinue reading “Professional Development Workshop for Volunteers”

Women’s program: Ceramics Workshop

We are thrilled to introduce our newest artisan, Saida! Saida lives in Zone Z and displayed a great deal of skill while crafting handmade products during our ceramics and painting workshops, lead by our favorite resident ceramicist, Roberto. Starting this month, Saida will create ceramic cuys, alpacas, Incan crosses and nativity sets to add toContinue reading “Women’s program: Ceramics Workshop”